At ServiceCorp Test and Tag, we are focused on not only providing you with efficient, non disruptive test and tagging. But we also want to make it cost-effective for your business. This is why we are proud to be the most cost-effective test and tag business in Adelaide!
How Much Does Test and Tag Cost?
Test and Tag varies in cost, test and tag prices normally depend on two factors:
1. How Many Items You Require to Be Test and Tagged
If you have many items for testing, it means that we are able to be more cost-effective & ultimately reduce your bill. This is why it’s important to get all items tested at once, instead of having different locations of your business tested at different times & can sometimes even work better if you have a neighbouring business that requires testing, you could have one of our technicians come out & do both businesses at the same time, which means we could offer reduced pricing.
2. Where Your Business Is Located
The test and tag price could be affected if we are required to travel. Normally we will try to absorb this test and tag cost Adelaide but it is a factor when quoting if our technician is required to travel a distance, especially for a small amount of items.
3. Why Don’t I Do Test and Tag Internally (by a Staff Member)?
The costs involved in having someone internally to perform your test and tag can add up very quickly. Some of the test and tag costs are below:
- PAT Test and Tag Machine – $2000
- Test and Tag Labels – $200 – $1000 per year
- Reporting Software – $800
- Public Liability Insurance – $1100 per year
- Labour to perform test & tag – $500 – $2000 per year
- Admin Labour (Reporting) – $500 – $800 per year
- Other General test and tag costs – $250 per year
Total Cost: $7,950
At ServiceCorp Test and Tag, we quite often get businesses contact us saying that they have tried to conduct their test and tag in house & it just got forgotten, miss managed or staff moved on who did it. It’s works out best to employ the people who does it as their full time work & are passionate about it!
Also it will reduce your test and tag cost!